Of course, why should Lucas Arts even try when they know people will buy their stuff, no matter how badly done.
In other matters, let it be known any further talk of EaW in a positive light shall now be considered as justifiable homicide. Hehe, I am still a Homeworld 2 fan and modder, so I visit your site often enough to see what is going on.
Hmmm, I'm now wondering about your recent Secret Projects.I certainly hope my suspicions prove to be true. Wow, and if we can mod SoaSE maps to be open connected, this will allow for a perfect Star Wars gaming experience. Hmmm, if he could easily transfer his models and stats, that would reduce the workload for creating this mod by about 70%. His models AS IS would be amazing in SoaSE. If any of you have seen/played the Homeworld 2 Warlords mod (Star Wars), then you'll know just what kind of skills this guy brings to the table. Holy ****, the talented EvilleJedi is posting in this forum.