If you have difficulties doing this you can try enabling MOO. Press the ‘[‘ key 3 times until it’s the normal size. Testingcheats off (press enter): (Note: testingcheats false also works) Now the large object will be on the ground. Don’t be freaked out – the object will now be huge and the Sim’s head. Testingcheats on (press enter): (Note: testingcheats true also works) Enter the following in the cheat code box…
How do I use ‘Set as Head’ on an object on the Sim’s lot? When this happens sometimes the ‘Set as Head’ option can help. The object may be stuck on the lot or off the lot but near your lot. Sometimes an object is ‘stuck’ (frozen) and the Sim cannot pick it up in live mode and you cannot grab it in build mode. ‘Set as Head’ is a super strange debug option – but it can be very helpful.